Reallocating data abstraction staff and outsourcing those positions can shave budget dollars. This Cost-Benefit Analysis tool can help you evaluate how cost-effective it is at your hospital.

American Data Network’s “Smartsourcing Cost-Benefit Analysis Template” can help you determine the true cost of your in-house data abstraction process. In under three minutes, this tool will show you and your leadership team total savings and where they will come from using real data and expert resources.

Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) assessments can help your facility evaluate the accuracy and integrity of your data abstractions. IRR assessments are performed on a sample of abstracted cases to measure the degree of agreement among reviewers.


Many hospitals leading in healthcare quality have begun outsourcing data abstraction of Registries and Core Measures. But why? What are the benefits of outsourcing data abstraction when your facility has historically handled this in-house? In this article we explore just that.

Inter-rater Reliability (IRR) assessments can help your facility evaluate the accuracy and integrity of your data abstractions of Core Measures and Registries.