Discover the truth about outsourcing clinical data abstraction and how ADN can debunk myths and boost healthcare data quality.

A physician accesses a medical record in a secure blockchain

Healthcare data integrity is crucial for accurate patient care and avoiding errors. Challenges include unauthorized access and outdated systems. Solutions involve data governance policies, EHRs, and blockchain technology. Standardization, training, and collaboration are key. American Data Network offers solutions for accurate clinical data abstraction, enhancing patient safety and data integrity.

A frontline staff member enters patient safety data into a computer at a healthcare facility

Opportunity cost is vital for hospital quality leaders to optimize resources and enhance patient care. This article explains how decisions like outsourcing data abstraction can lead to cost savings, efficiency gains, and specialized expertise. It emphasizes the need to overcome status quo bias and make strategic choices for better healthcare outcomes and operational success.

A member of a quality improvement team accesses data on a tablet while collaborating with the operations team

Unlock the potential of your healthcare team by improving quality teams post-smartsourcing strategies. Discover how this approach can lead to innovation and better patient care.

A doctor showing an illustration of the human heart

The intersection of healthcare and technology has paved the way for groundbreaking advances in patient care. As part of this dynamic shift, specialized registries, like the NCDR – TVT (Transcatheter Valve Therapy) Registry, have emerged, playing a pivotal role in optimizing outcomes and enhancing our understanding of specific medical procedures. Today, we shine a spotlight on this registry and its real-world impact.

An illustration of a stroke happening in the brain

Explore how the GWTG-Stroke initiative is improving stroke care quality through evidence-based guidelines and consistent data collection. Learn about the program’s impact on patient outcomes and the role of comprehensive data abstraction services in driving these improvements.

Doctors and administrators looking at data

In the dynamic and complex world of healthcare, the importance of Clinical Data Management (CDM) has grown exponentially. This crucial domain bridges the gap between data and decision-making, influencing every aspect of healthcare from patient care to policy formulation. With the healthcare industry facing constant changes and challenges, the role of CDM has become even more prominent.