American Data Network Patient Safety Organization conducted a year-long Specimen Error Improvement Campaign. Download the materials to conduct your own!

Risk Managers share their experience after transitioning their hospital to an electronic patient safety event reporting system.

American Data Network Patient Safety Organization (ADNPSO) organized a 45-Hospital Good Catch Campaign focused on near miss reporting.

In a deep-dive analysis by ADNPSO, the event type “Other” revealed a death rate 3 times higher than ALL remaining patient safety event categories combined.

4-year analysis by ADNPSO reveals other events accounted for 43% of all events, underscoring need for other subcategories – Download the list.

The Whirlwind Model illustrates the key functions and compliance efforts that must be coordinated and communicated to deliver safe patient care.

The Joint Commission has announced revisions to its National Patient Safety Goal for anticoagulant therapy on eight elements of performance, according to Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare.