ADNPSO conducted a statewide Patient Safety Good Catch Campaign in Arkansas in 2017. During this campaign, hospitals achieved 95% of the campaign goal and saw a 47% increase in near miss reporting over baseline.

With mortality rates greater than those of heart attack or stroke, strategies for timely diagnosis of sepsis and appropriate interventions are imperative.

ADNPSO conducted a statewide Patient Safety Good Catch Campaign in Arkansas in 2017. During this campaign, hospitals achieved 95% of the campaign goal and saw a 47% increase in near miss reporting over baseline.

Research conducted at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital has shown that the use of a 27-question, heart failure discharge checklist reduced the 30-day readmission rate of a cardiac event from 20 percent to only 2 percent.

This tool can help your team predict the return on investment (ROI) from a patient safety or quality initiative that prevents a certain number adverse events while also taking into account the soft cost of team time.

ADN has published a free business case titled “A Business Case: Identifying Excess Cost & Length of Stay of Adverse Patient Safety Events” using the AHRQ’s Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) to evaluate excess cost and Length of Stay (LOS) per type of adverse event.

American Data Network Director Delivers Good Catch Presentation at 10th Annual Meeting of PSOs